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The Weekly 1/31/2024

Hello and welcome to The Weekly! Each Wednesday, I try to set aside a small portion of time to channel a brief message in the hopes that it will impact someone. I hope this message finds you at exactly the right moment in time. I hope it sits well with your soul. And, I hope it challenges you to grow or expand in some small way...

January 31, 2024

Welcome to your newest year. This first month ends today and how is it going so far? Another 365 days on the Earth plane to make choices and to see your plans play out. Have you decided what this year will bring? Have you set aside your time to map it out? You do realize that you are completely in control of what this new year brings, right?? Let's dive in.

We are here today to remind you wholeheartedly that you do have this power of which we speak. YOU are the creator of your life and your world. YOU do have the ability to simply "decide" what your life will look and feel like and make it so. How many of you are sitting in a space of waiting? Waiting for something to change? Waiting for a new promotion? Waiting to get famous or become a big deal? How many of you are waiting on your happiness? This last one is the absolute worst waiting possible. Why? Well… it simply means that you have given away your power. It implies that the source of your happiness lies outside of yourself, like someone else or something else holds the key. If this is the case for you, then you have given away your power. Is it time to take it back??

Today, we are here to remind you that you and you alone hold the key to your happiness. How and where?

The key lies deep within the recesses of your own mind. By deciding to be healthy and happy and whole, you can achieve this quite easily. We, here on the other side, fully understand that initially this may sound ludicrous but hear us out.

When a human being makes a choice to live differently or feel differently, the outside world steps in to accommodate. In other words, when you decide that you only want to live your life in a state of joy, the entire universe coordinates to make this your new normal. When you decide that you are only living experiences that bring you joy, we over here have the responsibility to ensure that your joy is at the first and foremost. You see, dear one? You only need to decide. You only need to choose. You are the creator of your reality. The outside world rises up to meet that which is in your head, your thoughts and your beliefs.

We suggest trying this on for size for a period of one week. For one solid week, you control your thoughts and only allow the good ones, the positive ones, the ones that speak to your personal happiness, contentment and joy. As soon as another sort of thought enters your mind, it will become your responsibility to stop it and redirect it. Redirect it back to your original desires. Those which truly do bring you happiness, contentment and joy.

Throughout this one week, you will be quite tired of monitoring your thoughts but you may also reap some benefits of such a continuous, positive stream of “beingness”. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DIFFICULT. Your life can flow with ease and grace. It is meant to be simple. You only have to choose it.

YOU, dearest one, most definitely hold the key to your happiness and your joy as well as your anxiety and upset. Which will you choose for your week ahead?? Know that we are anxiously waiting your decisions so that we can jump to the ready to orchestrate your grandest desire. Remember, if you are stewing about the things you do not wish, those are the vibrations that the spirit world is feeling and thus, we bring you more of it! THINK WITH CAUTION.

We are sending you great love for the week ahead as you learn or relearn to create that which is your life. And, so it is.


I hope you have found something that you could use here today. I hope something resonates with your soul and allows you a bit of space for growth. I hope you will spend this next week orchestrating the best week of your life thus far. Sending you many blessings and much love for a beautiful next few days. If you are interested in scheduling a private session, please email me or use the contact page on my website.

L. xo


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All content is the property of Lisa Renée and is available only for personal use unless appropriate permission is obtained. Lisa Renée, 2025

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