Intuitive Healing Sessions
The Akashic Records are often referred to as The Book of Life and they contain the "PLAN" for the soul's journey while upon the planet. Lisa has the ability and training to access the records of each client and share with them the information that is pertinent to their individual time upon the planet. This is the space where many of her Intuitive Healing Sessions actually begin.
These intuitive sessions promote healing and dive into the deeper issues that may be the direct result of past life connections and/or present day unresolved trauma. When a body experiences illness, sleep deprivation, unusual anger or the feeling of needed healing, the solution usually sits well below the surface. Lisa does not believe in treating symptoms but in diving deep to get to the root cause of whatever is causing the disruption.
The Akashic Records are referenced in religious settings as The Book of Life. In her spiritual work, Lisa has come to know and understand these books as a "soul contract". Through a brief "walk" in the records, she was guided to her own books to bear witness to herself standing in front of her records at that exact moment. It seemed surreal at the time, but looking back, that moment led her to here. To you reading this. And, to Lisa's own clarity along this path.
At the incarnation of a soul, a contract is put into place between Source and the soul. The soul is then incarnated and begins a journey of lessons, of learning, of seeking, of deciding, of making errors and of living. Wouldn't it be easier if we knew and understood exactly what our soul had agreed to as we entered life?
This is how Lisa works and helps clients all over the world! She accesses their records, works with the guides and together they seek clarity and answers to their deepest questions. Lisa is not the healer but the medium through which the healing clarity and guidance can travel. She works in conjunction with a client's guides, masters and teachers so that they can fully understand their trials and gain greater clarity as to the depth of their learning and then, healing.
Making the choice to heal and completing this work with Lisa to connect with your higher consciousness, your spirit guides and Source energy allows for greater connection, clarity and healing!
These sessions are scheduled via phone or zoom. Please reach out through the Contact Lisa page to schedule a session. All sessions must be prepaid. You can submit payment through Venmo: @Lisa-Caplinger-2 or pay through the link below.
60-min. Session ~$140