The Weekly 6/1/2022
Welcome to The Weekly! I am so thankful to have you joining us each Wednesday for these channelled messages. I hope you are finding them informative and helpful! If you feel like they work with you and you are in alignment with them, please feel free to share them with friends and family or encourage them to stop by the site and get their own subscription!
Rejoice! The time has come! So many of you have been waiting or in a time of waiting. Your time has come. There is so very much coming your way but we stand with conviction that you will come to understanding quickly that these shifts and changes and here for your learning and you are LEARNING!
Welcome to the ways of our New Earth. Experiences designed specifically for you to help you conquer and grow! In the past few years (or even decades really) your planet has been going through an extreme upgrade. Humans are awakening to new realities, new dimensions and new thought patterns. YOU are included in this new way of being. Can you feel it? Have you recently begun thinking of new activities that propel you? Have you begun to realize that on Earth the joy must be in the "being" and not the doing??
This concept alone can keep people spinning as they try to wrap their heads around the idea of "beingness". This is or can also be referred to as mindfulness or mindful existence. We are inviting you to become present in each now moment. Use all of your senses daily and invite the world around you to become brighter, stronger, more fluid and definitely in more of an alignment to your greater cause. Your cause is your own and can be magnified upon greater attention. Know that exactly where your energy goes, that "thing" itself will expand. You are each incredibly powerful creators and it is entirely up to you whether or not you choose to create or sit in suffering with a mindset that does not allow time and space for growth and/or expansion.
What is it that you wish to create? How is it that you truly wish to live? These ideas are not new and are deeply embedded within your DNA. It truly is your responsibility to dive deeply inward and discover or rediscover those things which bring you joy. Those things which are needed within your daily existence to help you create more of a life worth living. A life that feels like it is in direct alignment with your chosen path. Remember that this Path of which we speak, was designed by you in conjunction with Spirit in order to facilitate the greatest possible existence for you while upon this planet.
If you feel as if your "path" is not clearly in front of you, we invite you to take the next small step. The next right step that feels like it aligns with your path. A baby step. Take the step and the next step will appear. Again and again, you may be required to remind yourself of this. However it works for you, just do it. Gently and firmly push forward. Each new step will allow some of the fog to lift and you will be greatly surprised at how quickly your pathway is revealed. This path was designed by you before your incarnation and it is "for you". No one else is capable of completing this section of your journey. No matter how great the trials may at first appear, know fully and completely that you are prepared in all ways. Even on days when you may feel otherwise.
We leave you to ponder this message and hope that it is received with an open and compassionate heart. Be kind to yourself as you dive in and follow your path through these miraculous days.
And, so it is.
This message was channelled on May 31st and is coming to you from a spirit calling itself "The Buddha Story Teller". Many Blessings for a beautiful week ahead!
Lisa xo