The Weekly 4/5/2023

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! If you have recently registered to receive this weekly message, I thank you so much for joining us here in his space. Each week, I sit quietly and wait for a channeled message to share as a post. I never know ahead of time which guides we will be hearing from but it is always interesting and usually quite relevant.
I encourage you to read each Wednesday with an open mind, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. We are all on different journeys and require individual support. I hope this message supports you on your life's journey~
April 5, 2023
Welcome to our transmission. Each week, Lisa takes a small parcel of time and dedicates it to this message, this mission. We wish to reassure you today in Divine Time, that all is well. There are forces of good and evil at play always and your mission is to accept this with the knowing that good will ALWAYS prevail.
We invite you to look around you. See deeply into all that is surrounding you and witness the good, the not-so-good and then, see possibilities. The witnesses upon your planet who are bound to create good by their alliances are doing so to the best of their abilities. YOU get to witness their good doings.
As spring and summer are currently upon you, we are here to invite you to find, discover or re-discover a relationship with nature. Know that the Godhead Spirit can be accessed through connection and it is this connection that so many upon your planet require (and may be lacking).
Connection is what brings communities together. Connection is what heals the masses. Connection is what brings the Spirit of Divinity into all gatherings and brings divine insights into all troubles. Find connection and you will find healing. Locate connection within your communities and you will be able to band together strongly and weather any storms that may come your way. Seek connection and all is well. Decide to travel this lifetime alone or in solitude and you shall falter. It is in community that you thrive.
If you are reading this transmission, you are being blessed with insight. Insight that can serve you well even in times of upheaval or troublesome events. It is through the faith of human connection along with the connection to the Divine through nature that all things are able to work together for good.
Today, we invite you to be still. To get quiet. To find that space in nature where you can feel the beating heart of your planet and ask for inspiration, divine insight and the unconditional love which is granted to all who invite it in. Through this stillness, you will discover the ways in which you are being called to serve upon your planet. If you are reading this transmission, know that you do indeed have a calling and a purpose of light. Your mission is to discover it and fulfill it. This is destiny. Fate will guide you to fulfill your mission as long as you have surrendered. Faith is the building block upon which you will place your foot to continue the journey.
All upon the planet are called to light. Not all upon your planet will respond in kind. What are you being called to? How are you meant to serve? What steps are you taking to bear witness to your divine calling of service in this now moment? We invite you to rest in stillness and seek your own answers.
Be blessed in this moment and all those moments to come~ knowing that you are surrounded by help. By light. And, by the witness of love that perpetuates goodness throughout all time and space.
And, so it is.
**I hope this message resonates with some part of you. I believe that we are all being called to act, to stand, to witness, to love and to move forward with the highest of intentions. If I can serve you on your journey, please do not hesitate to reach out. Know that I hold anyone reading this message in love. Lisa xo
As an addition, I would invite anyone reading this to consider attending our Semi-Silent Retreat at The Sylvan Well. It is intended to be a day of great connection, silence, stillness and a return to community. If you are interested, I encourage you to reach out sooner rather than later as spots will be filling soon.