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The Weekly 10/7/2024

Hello and welcome to The Weekly!

It's been a while and if you are new here, welcome! The Weekly is a simple space in which i offer a brief channeled message that i always hope will appear to readers in exactly the right moment in time. I tune in to Divine Wisdom and offer what comes through.

I hope this message finds you healthy, happy and whole. I also hope that you are paying attention as the world is evolving quickly and those who tune in are headed for an easier transition into this new planetary existence. Read on for today's transmission...


October 7, 2024 ~Divine Wisdom

Greetings! It is with great enthusiasm that we offer you this message for today. We hope that you will read with brave and conscious understanding for what is to come is HUGE! We do not deny that there are many intrusions coming onto the planet for those who are aware as well as unaware. We know that maintaining your peace is an ongoing process and through all of the upcoming changes, we encourage continued peace, grounding and the tuning in to the sensitivities that are pervasive to those who are willing to open to them.

Believe most of what you intuitively are knowing and trust much less of those things which are coming from outside sources. Your media, companies, those in control...they all have agendas which do not serve the worldly populace. Who/what IS serving the worldly populace? Those who are utilizing their spiritual knowing and sharing information for/with the public without profit. We encourage you to seek out individuals or companies who have nothing to gain from their information. These are those that will be considered more trustworthy. Financial gain is a motivating factor for many upon your planet currently. Seek out those who do not benefit from the sharing of their information. Here you will be more likely to trust the energies emanating from within.

It has been no secret that energies of the United States are currently being unhinged and upended. Where it will end is simply a matter of time in which to witness that results of these current actions. What we can share is that all Americans are asked to become present with who they are and what they represent. Knowing where one stands is a huge part of this process. If you are currently sitting in a grey area or having little opinion about the events occuring in your life, be forewarned. Ignorance is not bliss. However, in that same vein, we also remind you that where you place your energy matters. If you focus on negativity, you bring more of that into your life. If you center your beingness around peace, again, that is what you will reap. Energy. Attention. Must be focused for and on the Good.

Today, we are inviting all who read this to work on presence. To become highly aware of the vibrational energy that is being permitted in and around the physical body. There is no energy too great for the Good. Low vibrational thoughts and thinking must be surrendered at this point as to raise the vibrations currently surrounding each human. Children are not exempt!

If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher of children, etc we invite you to be fully aware of the impact that energetic forces can and will have upon young, highly sensitive minds. These highly sensitive and impressionable beings hold specific keys of genetic codings that allow them to bear witness to forces that might not be exactly visible to older, less sensitive beings currently on your planet. Pay close attention to the behaviors of young people as they have been placed on "high alert" by their own monitoring systems so that they can feel aware of the energies surrounding them without being barraged by dark forces. Children are often the first to know and comprehend great shifts upon the planet as they feel into the energies before adults even have the slightest nudge of wisdom that something might be off. Heed this warning for children and sensitive people everywhere.

Last, we offer you this simple statment. The energies of planet earth for October and November feel quite unsteady at the moment. As each human comes online and dials into the newest frequencies, earth can restabilize itself but it will require every knowledgable person stepping up and settling into these frequencies in whatever way possible. We highly encourage meditation, grounding exercises, staying away from social media, gathering in peace with like minded individuals and settling yourself each morning after awakening and each evening before repose. Maintaining a mindset that feels calm and can nurture the soul and higher self will bring abundant awareness to each individual.

Maintain your peace and your equilibrium and be cautious about where your thoughts and intentions go. Do not allow wanderings in the dark energies as this strengthens them and weakens you.

And, so it is. Many Blessings.


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