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The Weekly 01/28/2025

Welcome to The Weekly! Let me begin by saying that I am so glad you are here. My writing space has evolved greatly over the past 13 years but one thing remains the same...

I continue to show up each time with authenticity. I allow what needs to come through to do so. I remind myself to step out of the way and let the truth of Divine Wisdom be vocal and honest. It is only in showing up in this way that I can do the work that I feel so genuinely called to do. All that being said, there are some changes on the horizon for this weekly message. As of March 1st, it will be available on Substack. I love this writing platform and follow so many creative individuals there. If you aren't yet on Substack, I highly encourage you to deep a toe in and see how it feels to you! You can join me now to be prepared for March 1st!

I also have a bit of something new that is coming out daily on my social media accounts. Daily affirmations designed to propel you forward and create a rush of change deep within you and on a very personal level. If you don't follow me on socials, please use the links on my website so you can see how these daily affirmations can conquer negative thoughts and move you forward in your life. Our thoughts create things! In fact, this exact topic is coming out on a new podcast episode shortly. Make sure to follow Moving Into Light where ever you download your podcasts.

Now, let's here what the guides have to offer us for the week ahead...


January 28, 2025

To all who are tuning in, we say welcome! It is with great excitement that we find ourselves here with you today. We would like to stay on a singular topic today as we feel that it will benefit many. Internal Knowing. Your intuition.

How many times have you listened wholeheartedly to that inner voice and it has served you well? How many times has it failed you? We would stretch ourselves to say that 99 times out of 100, your intuition is your greatest source of guidance. The 1 remaining percent is most likely when your human, thinking mind has gotten in the way of what your intuition was trying to share with you. Ego is powerful and can often derail even the most tuned in of humans so, proceed with caution where the ego is concerned! Our most Supreme Being (God, Source, Spirit, etc) has gifted each of us and you with a superlative gift...that of your intuition. This seat of knowing buried deeply within the framework of your body is your greatest gift.

Now, if not already doing so, you are here to utilize it to the fullest. Not sure what to do next in life, love or career? Simply place your hand upon your heart and tune into the feelings, thoughts, images that come through from your intuition as you pose the question. Undecided about your feelings on any given situation? Ask your body, aka your intuitive nature, and simply await the knowing that will eventually come forward. These types of activities can become common practice if you only allow the space and time for this work.

Today, we are witnessing upon your planet, much upheaval, choas, change and thought provoking behaviors as the great awakening continues. This is not good or bad. It is not right or wrong. It simply is as it is. We remind you that you are here at exactly this moment for exactly this work that you are doing. You each have a role to play in helping the planetary alignment of souls as it comes into complete positive alignment. Why do we bring this all up in a conversation concerning intuition?

It is through your intuition that you are able to discern exactly what you believe to be truth. It is by utilizing your internal knowing that you can decide upon what to place your focus and attention. It is through this divine gift that you are able to fully be present in the world and still maintain your knowing that you are safe, loved, and accounted for in the glories of the heavens. Do you understand?

Tune into yourself deeply and remember why you are here in this now moment. Remember what feels like truth in the deepest part of your soul. Remember and move forward with grace and with ease. We leave you lovingly with these thoughts for the week ahead. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. And, trust us as we lead you into these next versions of truth and honesty.


I leave you with this photo from my hike yesterday through the mountains in the South of France. Nothing reminds me more of our Divine Spirit than these views...
I leave you with this photo from my hike yesterday through the mountains in the South of France. Nothing reminds me more of our Divine Spirit than these views...


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All content is the property of Lisa Renée and is available only for personal use unless appropriate permission is obtained. Lisa Renée, 2025

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