Welcome to the Find Your Light series. This is a 30 day series that is meant to guide and offer the reader some questions that will create an open space for them to welcome in new insights, ideas and information concerning the spiritual journey of the soul. I know that you will find something that resonates with your part of the current journey. Thank you for sharing this space today~ L.
Day 7~
What is it that you truly desire? When you can shift through the programming and the world narration, what do you truly want? I believe that we are all here to figure this out. To seek and go deeper than we have ever been. This is our purpose.
The Goddess Speaks~
Believing requires the mind.
Trusting requires the heart.
Knowing requires the soul.
There is nothing that separates these except an Earthly existence. Today, as you think your thoughts, I invite you to ask HOW you know. Are you listening with your mind, your heart, your soul or your ALL. Only when your all is activated and involved can you accurately "know".
Today, as you go about your day, make decisions, think your thoughts and make choices- Ask yourself (with your eye closed and your dominant hand upon your heart)
How do I "know" this to be true?
What part (mind, body, soul) is making this choice and believing it to be the correct choice?
Again and again, knowledge comes in and it is up to you to decide the source. You have great responsibility in the choosing of how you live so as to best create your most fortuitous tomorrow. YOU are creating your own "lucky chances".
With hand on heart...
How do I "know" this to be true?
What part (mind, body, soul) is making this choice and believing it to be the correct choice?
You can use this technique daily. Often it will bring you back home to the self and to the ALL. And, so it is.
*If this message resonates with you, please share and invite your friends to join us. These messages will be sent out at 5am for the next 23 days. Thank you for reading and for honoring the callings of your truest self. Many blessings~ L.
