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Welcome to Find Your Light! This is a channeled 30 day series designed to help readers change and shift from dark to light. Or, maybe from light to lighter. However you operate, there is always room to shift into a higher vibrational way of thinking.

So, if it resonates with you, dive in and give each short message a read. Then, see how the message creates space in your daily life for change or new ideas.

Day 15~

YOU are a gift and I am hoping that you know it! I am grateful for you for showing up here and reading these daily messages. My hope is that each time someone hops on my site and dives into a message, they are changed. For the better. You are the reason that I continue with my work each time I am guided. As you might imagine, a daily 4am wake up call was not high on my priority list but I do my best to listen as I am guided. Knowing that I can use my abilities to gift others is also tremendously uplifting. Therefore, we are all gifts onto each other. That feels like a blessing!

The Goddess Speaks~

As Lisa speaks of blessings and gifts today, this Goddess is choosing to remind all readers that the truest forms of gifts lie within each of you. You are each uniquely blessed with strengths and abilities and it is your responsibility to discover them! Know fully and completely without doubt that you are a most blessed individual. You are gifted in ways that only you can acknowledge and then, share.

Today,you are each being called to identify your own unique gifts, talents, skills and abilities. No two human beings are alike and it is highly recommended that you see yourself as a part of the whole in terms of community yet also as unique in terms of being an individual. Your talents are within you so that you may be a blessings onto others. Today, I invite you to sit with these questions-

How am I uniquely blessed with my personal talents, skills, abilities and gifts?

What am I meant to do with these personal blessings so that I can bless others?

We are not speaking of gifting others with actual gifts but maybe, for you it is time or special skills. Maybe you are designed to speak publicly or teach. Some of you may feel pulled to preach or to spread joy. Possibly musicianship or acting calls to you and you must perform for the complete joy of others. No matter what you are blessed with, these words today are meant to remind you to share your blessings with others. Having blessings and not sharing them is probably one of your world's greatest faults. All is for learning. Again, I ask you to sit with these questions-

How am I uniquely blessed with my personal talents, skills, abilities and gifts?

What am I meant to do with these personal blessings so that I can bless others?

The hope is that as you sit in stillness with these questions and answers, you will create a shift. This shift may be what propels you to begin making changes with how you utilize your gifts and special talents. If you are called to help others find healing, do so. If you are designed to make others laugh and feel joy, do it! No gift is too small or insignificant to share. This is how you have been designed so, please do so accordingly. May all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, do so. And, so it is.

*My hope is that this message impacts you in some way. If so, please feel free to share it with anyone who might benefit from the message. Share your talents and share your gifts so that the world is alive with blessings! These channeled messages will continue at 5am for 15 more days. Much love~ L.


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All content is the property of Lisa Renée and is available only for personal use unless appropriate permission is obtained. Lisa Renée, 2025

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