Welcome to the "Find Your Light" series! Thank you for observing the nudge to join The Weekly and participate in this new journey. Over the years, I have received several nudges like this and I have always done my best to listen and follow the Spirit-led directions.
Each morning for the next 30 days, I will be waking at 4am to receive a message that centers around finding our light. I know, as with all things, that this experience will shape and help form me into a more clear and concise channel of Divine Wisdom. Also, as usual, I have no idea what these messages will be like but I am glad that we are on this journey together and i sincerely hope that you find resonance within this work.
Thank you so much for following in the guidance that set you upon this path and pushed you to subscribe. I know that there will be something here for you just like this process will be here to elevate me in some way. Many blessings to each of you for showing up for your selves and thank you for showing up for me in this way by supporting my work.
Day 1
YOU are light. As Christ once said, I am (YOU ARE) the light of the world. We all are this light. We are expected to shine brightly, brilliantly. Our greatest fear on the planet? The failure to shine our light so brightly. The Divine Goddess speaks.
Dearest Ones,
For ever upon your planet, humans have been called to do their most honored work. What work is this you ask? It is the work of discovering and shining brightly YOUR light. Ask yourselves these questions today and seek the wisdom to understand fully the answers.
"What is my light?
How am I meant to shine?"
In other words, what are the talents and skills with which you have been gifted? The talents and skills that are personally designed for you and your use that can and will be of service upon your planet? Each member of the human race is endowed with certain gifts, talents, skills and insights. It is the sole responsibility of the possessor to discover all of their gifts, talents, skills and insights in order to serve on a higher level.
Again, I say to you "What is your light? How are you meant to shine?"
When human beings adjust to the simple idea that they have arrived upon the planet for a purpose, they can often times relinquish their control and allow themselves to be guided to this purpose. YOU have been gifted with extreme insight into the ongoing energetic frequency changes upon your planet. All of you who are reading this are clearly and concisely in the knowing of knowingness. Allow no one or no thing to get in the way of you reaching for and eventually obtaining a sense of satisfaction as you achieve the truest form or the most sacred version of your Divine Light.
Today, dear ones, continue to ask yourself:
"What is my light?
How am I meant to shine?"
I close this reading with many blessings of gratitude for your fortuitousness and for your never-ending desire to understand your self and your purpose on a greater level and in a greater capacity.
And, so it is.
*If this message resonates with you, please share and invite your friends to join us. These messages will be sent out each morning at 5am for the next 29 days. Thank you for being here~ L.